Accommodation at Königssee directly at the lake or in Schönau - hotels, guesthouses, apartments or holiday apartments with direct contact to the providers.
The Königssee with the pilgrimage church St. Bartholomä is a tourist highlight in the Bavarian Berchtesgadener Land at the foot of the Watzmann.
Königssee-Wiki Information What is there in the region Königssee and what may be interesting to know?
More information about the positioned location: Königssee
Wether in the region Königssee
How will be the weather? Current regional weather data - weather preview with optional wether-webcam.
Information about the weather in one place of the region: Königssee
Museums in the vicinity of the accommodations residence and in the region.
✓ With search for accommodation near a selected museum
Königssee Pictures
Picture Portal
Video Königssee
Video-Title: Boote, Berge, Bayern - Sommerurlaub am Königssee